Winter 2021: The Fire

 Did not our hearts burn within us?

by Lisa Shirk

Lisa Shirk Untitled (detail), 2019
 Graphite and gold-leaf on newsprint

“Did not our hearts burn within us when He talked with us along the road?”
 (Luke 24:32)

I’ve had a scrap of paper with this sentence scrawled on it floating around my house for a while. I can’t seem to throw it out, though it’s easily mistaken for trash. I heard it read six weeks ago and as happens sometimes, the words, with near surgical precision, made their way through everything else to pierce my heart.
I often express the Spirit by using gold-leaf. Or more acutely, it can represent our meeting with the Spirit; where we are bound, found, kissed. Where we burn together as we go along the road.

“Sacred Heart of Jesus, burning with love of us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee.” (Traditional prayer)

(See more of Lisa’s work at